Did Someone Say Mold?
On a recent residential home inspection in the Elizabethtown, Kentucky area, Know Before You Buy Home Inspections made a very puzzling discovery. In this unoccupied home, there were typical issues that almost every home inspection uncovers. However, this home inspection revealed something truly different, and very concerning. As the attic door was opened, there was a strong smell of moisture and growth.
As we climbed up the makeshift stairs in the closet, we saw nothing. However, as soon as we peaked into the attic, our biggest fear was confirmed: mold. Now, mold in an attic is often times due to a small leak from a plumbing vent or roof nail. But on this particular residential home inspection, the mold we found was covering the entire underside of the roof decking.
While this could have been caused by a small leak over many years of neglect, this just seemed like too much damage from a small leak. Ultimately, this potential buyer would have to have the entire roof decking replaced, as there was obvious deflections and deep divots forming in the roof. While the damage was in the attic, there was clear signs of problems from the ground outside before even opening the attic door.
From years of experience, we noticed this right away as we pulled into the driveway. This attic leak was likely caused by an old chimney on the other end of the house. However, this goes to show what a small leak can lead to if left unattended. Let’s just say, these buyers were happy that we found this problem before moving in. This is why you hire a professional home inspector, even in a red-hot real estate market. Know Before You Buy Home Inspections is an industry-leader and has been trusted by thousands of clients. If you are looking for a no-stone-left-unturned home inspection in Kentucky, look no further.