Many homeowners are handy and willing to make their own DIY repairs around the house. However, some of these homeowners truly are not handymen at all. While trying to save a dollar or two, many homeowners will hit Google Search or YouTube for answers to their problems. Unfortunately, this does not suddenly mean that they are able to make repairs in ways that are safe and up to standard. In this situation, the homeowner could have been in for a shocking experience if they even made the slightest mistake. While not even remotely close to correct, this is an easy fix. These type wiring issues are common on inspections when the homeowner uses YouTube for information. If you don’t know how to do electrical, you will not learn an entire profession from a 6 minute YouTube video. Make sure to call your local electrician before doing any homeowner repairs. And remember, it is important to Know Before You Buy, as these simple issues will always come up in an inspection report.