Fire Extinguishers And Home Inspections

Fire extinguishers are commonly used for fire safety purposes and are recommended to have in homes. They are effective devices that can help prevent and extinguish fires. There are different classes of fire extinguishers designed for specific types of fires. Class A extinguishers are suitable for fires fueled by regular combustible materials like wood, while Class B extinguishers are designed for flammable liquids such as oil or grease. Class C extinguishers are suitable for electrical fires, and Class D extinguishers are meant for fires involving flammable metals. Some extinguishers serve multiple purposes and may be labeled with multiple class brackets.

Fire Extinguisher Installation

When installing fire extinguishers in your home, it is important to ensure that all members of the household know their location and how to use them in case of a fire. Reading and understanding the instructions for use is crucial to maintain safety during emergencies. However, it is essential to evacuate the property quickly and contact emergency services even if fire extinguishers are being used.

Smoke Detectors

In addition to fire extinguishers, it is mandatory to have functional smoke detectors installed in domestic properties to detect fires. When selecting home fire extinguishers, it is important to consider their effectiveness in combating electrical fires, as faulty electrical devices are a common cause of home fires.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are four types of fire extinguishers, each containing a different agent to combat flames. Powder fire extinguishers are often recommended for home use as they can smother flames and work for multiple fire classes (A, B, and C). However, the powder used may damage surfaces and decrease visibility. Water fire extinguishers contain additives to fight fires but are limited to classes A and B. Gas fire extinguishers reduce the oxygen supply to fires, while foam fire extinguishers are widely used but cannot be used on electrical appliances.

Fire Extinguishers Use

Regardless of the type of extinguisher, the basic steps for using them are similar. Pulling out the pin, aiming the nozzle at the base of the fire, squeezing the handle to release the extinguishing substance, and sweeping the nozzle side to side are the general steps to follow. If the fire is not completely extinguished, the process should be repeated until it is.

Know Before You Buy Recommendations

When purchasing home fire extinguishers, it is important to consider their weight, making sure they are lightweight enough for easy handling during emergencies. Installing the extinguishers in strategic locations, such as the kitchen or areas where fires are more likely to occur, is crucial. Additionally, fire extinguishers should be stored out of the reach of children. The price of fire extinguishers will vary depending on the type and capacity chosen, and fire blankets can be considered as an alternative to extinguishers, offering affordability.